Michael Gavion Jr Area Pastor

About my family nucleus:
I met my wife, Selam, at City Church in 2010. She’s originally from San Francisco but moved to New Orleans after having accepted a tennis scholarship from Xavier University. We were married in March 2013. We have one daughter, Ava Senai, who was born on August 22, 2017.
Salvation Experience:
I received salvation in 2009 at the age of 24. Prior to that moment, I’d tried everything to find fulfillment in life. In hindsight, it felt like my life hit rock bottom, but that’s just how God works in us so that we see how much we really need Him. Even though I grew up going to church, I didn’t have a relationship with Jesus. When I had a face to face experience with Jesus, my life truly changed and I haven’t wanted any part of my old life since.
How long have you been a member of City Church?
Since 2009.
What areas of Ministry do you oversee?
I’m entrusted with overseeing Volunteers, Church Membership and Belong Groups at Southern University of New Orleans.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
“Make everyday count. Everyday we have is a gift from God and how we spend each day is a gift to God."
Who has made the biggest impact on your life?
My parents, Rhonda and Michael Sr. It might sound cliche, since they raised me to be who I am today, but they’ve provided me with unwavering support through all the different seasons of my journey thus far. Someone else that’s made a huge impact is Pastor Owen McManus, Jr. I didn’t know it, but after coming to City Church, I was at a critical junction in my life. However, through his teaching and mentoring, he helped to guide me to the place I am today. I am truly grateful for his investment in me.
What’s something that you do well that most people won’t know about you?
Before coming to City Church, I’d played professional baseball.What are you passionate about?I’m passionate about seeing people grow in their walk with God, especially through building relationships with other believers. For me, that’s the way my life changed. I enjoy seeing how mindsets are challenged and changed through kingdom relationships.
According to StrengthsFinder 2.0, what are your top 5 strengths?
My top strengths are Positivity, Developer, Responsibility, Harmony, and Achiever.
What was one of the most profound or impactful moments that you’ve experienced in life?
Aside from my salvation experience, marrying my beautiful wife Selam has to be one of the most impactful and unforgettable moments of my life. She’s just made my life better.
Where is your dream vacation?
My dream vacation would be to visit Fiji. All of the photos I see are so beautiful. I want to see it in person.

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